Dental hygiene won't ruin you anymore?

What are you entitled to from the insurance company?

In today's article, we'll summarize what benefits and allowances you can get from each insurance company to make dental hygiene more affordable for you. What conditions do you have to comply with, how much does the insurance company reimburse and can you also achieve a dental allowance? Let's take a look at this together.

VZP contribution

The General Health Insurance Fund has decided to reintroduce the dental hygiene allowance for 2022. Previously, this allowance was in great demand and was therefore usually exhausted before the end of the year. However, the VZP has introduced this "on a trial basis" allowance for the time being only for the first quarter of 2022 and will continue to evaluate the programme. We can therefore hope that VZP will continue to introduce this allowance. The allowance amounted to CZK 300.

Expectant mothers and mothers up to 12 months after giving birth have the advantage of the VZP, who can draw a dental hygiene allowance, a dental hygiene package purchased at a pharmacy, a doctor's office, a dental hygienist or a specialised medical supplies store (this may include toothbrushes, interdental brushes, dental showers, toothpaste, dental floss or mouthwash). For this allowance, the proof of purchase must be no more than 3 months old, but must be issued from 1 October 2021 and used by 31 December 2022. The mother must have a valid pregnancy certificate or the child's birth certificate (within 12 months of giving birth).

OZP contribution

You can get up to CZK 2,000 in 2022 thanks to VITAKONTO benefits at the Occupational Health Insurance Company. The benefit is divided into two parts (Dental Hygiene I and II), so that it can be drawn 2xx a year up to a total of 2000 CZK. For each voucher you can claim a maximum of half of the bill for dental hygiene treatment.

These receipts must be no more than 3 months old and contain the name, surname and date of birth, and payment must be conditional on dental care in the same year (dental check-up or other dental procedure).

For donors of blood, blood plasma, bone marrow and organs, PWD clients have the chance to achieve a grant of up to 10,000 for dental hygiene, dental appliances or dental procedures at their dentist.

ČPZP contribution

Clients of Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišt'ovna are entitled to a dental hygiene allowance including the purchase of oral hygiene products in the Bonus Plus programme on the basis of points accumulated during preventive check-ups.

Both children and adults can benefit from the dental hygiene allowance. Blood and bone marrow donors can draw CZK 500 - 6,000 for dental care.

VoZP contibution

Under the Health Programme, the Military Health Insurance Company can provide a dental hygiene allowance of up to CZK 500 per insured person (children and adults). Members of the Soldier's Family, War Veteran and Soldiers' Club can receive an allowance of up to CZK 700. This amount applies only to dental hygiene and cannot be used for the purchase of dental aids or treatment by a dentist.

ZPMVČR contribution

CZK 500 for dental hygiene instruction with a dental hygienist can be drawn from the Health Insurance Fund of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic for adults and children. In the Vaccination programme, clients can draw up to CZK 1,000.

RBP ZP contribution

After registering in the MyRBP programme and the online service my213, all clients of the Revírní fraternal treasury are entitled to a dental hygiene allowance of CZK 500. In the Health 90 programme, individuals are entitled to a CZK 500 allowance towards the purchase of removable and fixed appliances when treating faulty tooth growth.


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