Zubní klinika Dental Office H33

You can find us near the shopping center Arkády Pankrác.

Our services

Dental implants

Ať už byla ztráta zubu zapříčiněna nehodou, špatnými geny, kazy nebo parodontitidou, léčba pomocí zubních implantátů Vám pomůže získat zpět nejen krásný úsměv, ale i ztracenou sebedůvěru.

Více o službě

Dental implants

Get back not only a beautiful smile, but also lost self-confidence.

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Replacing teeth damaged by decay, injury or other reasons.

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Treatment of irregularly positioned teeth and jaws using braces.

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Microscopic endodontics

Treatment of tooth root canals under the operating microscope.

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Z kapacitních důvodů musíme pozastavit příjem nových pacientů pro všechny obory poskytované péče včetně ortodoncie. Dále přijímáme pouze pacienty s žádankou na specializovaná ošetření od referenčních lékařů.

Our services

  • Teeth whitening

    Using the most modern methods.
  • Dental hygiene

    Part of prev. dentistry.
  • Children's dentistry

    From the age of six months.
  • Inhalation analgesic

    Raises the pain threshold.
  • Invisible braces

    3,000,000 patients worldwide!
  • Periodontology

    Wrong "Periodontosis"
  • Dental surgery

    Or tooth extraction
  • Restorative dentistry

    Treatment of diseased teeth.
  • Molekulární vodík

    H2 generátor a inhalátor
  • Safe LASER

    Půjčujeme na domácí doléčení
  • Ostatní služby

Dental Office H33
Hvězdova 33
Praha 4 - Pankrác

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    Our team

    • All
    • Doctors
    • NURSES
    • Back office

    Nikola Kabelková


    MUDr. Vojtěch Slezáček


    Born in Jindřichův Hradec, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc and since 1999 he has been specialising in periodontology, implantology and prosthetics. He regularly attends educational events and seminars both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the rest of his time, he works as a periodontal consultant in private practices not only in Prague, but in the whole Czech Republic.

    MDDr. Jakub Šubín


    Absolvoval lékařskou fakultu Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni a od roku 2010 je členem stomatologického týmu v Dental Office. Je držitelem Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti ve stomatochirurgii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Věnuje se především chirurgii, implantologii a protetické stomatologii.

    Jeho koníčkem je jeho práce.

    MDDr. Tereza Buchtová


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Tereza focuses mainly on restorative dentistry, both in pediatric and adult patients. She places great emphasis on preventive dentistry, of which dental hygiene is an integral part. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, he has the opportunity to further his education and gain experience in specialized fields such as stomatology, implantology and microscopic endodontics.

    In her free time she enjoys going out into nature or playing sports.

    MDDr. Lenka Kaslová


    Lenka je absolventkou oboru Zubního lékařství na 1.LF UK v Praze. Je již dlouholetým členem Dental Office týmu, už při studiích docházela na kliniku v rámci školní praxe. Poslední roky zde působí jako stomatoložka a poskytuje komplexní zubní péči se zaměřením na konzervační stomatologii u dětí a dospělých. Lenka se pravidelně zúčastňuje odborných přednášek a kurzů. Velice si užívá mezioborové spolupráce se svými kolegy, díky níž má možnost se neustále profesně zdokonalovat.

    MUDr. Klára Šafránková


    She completed her studies of dentistry at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague in 2008. She then completed her specialisation training in orthodontics, culminating in an attestation exam. In January 2013 she joined the Dental Office team, where she is fully dedicated to orthodontics. Klára enjoys working with traditional and invisible braces and is enthusiastic about following new trends in orthodontics.

    In her spare time she plays the ukulele and is also an avid sailing enthusiast.

    MDDr. Kateryna Mourati


    Dr. Mourati is a Greek born in Rhodes. She decided as a child that she would one day become an orthodontist. She graduated in dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Hradec Králové and then started postgraduate studies in orthodontics at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Prague.

    In her free time she enjoys travelling and spending time with her friends.

    MDDr. Erika McGregor


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na LF Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Už jako studentka chodila asistovat na naši kliniku Dental Office H33. Od roku 2013 zde působí jako zubní lékařka. Během let se vyprofilovala a úzce se specializuje na estetické dostavby předních zubů, estetické protetické ošetření a mikroskopickou endodoncii.

    Její práce ji velmi naplňuje a každý spokojený pacient ji motivuje do dalších i komplikovaných a složitých ošetření.

    Iva Vrbová


    Iva graduated from the Silesian University in Opava as a general nurse and continued her studies in paediatrics at the University of Ostrava.

    In his free time he enjoys family, hiking and travelling.

    Petr Koudelák


    Petr Koudelák Vystudoval střední ekonomickou školu a poté se 8 let věnoval projektovému managementu. Aktuálně má více jak dvouletou zkušenost v zubní ordinaci s dokončeným vzděláním zubního instrumentáře. Ve volném čase se věnuje sportu, cestování a své tříleté fence Chodského psa.

    Nikola Jindrová


    Nikola comes from the beautiful South Bohemia, where she graduated from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. She has always wanted to help people and working in a doctor's office was a clear choice for her. When she is not in the office, she likes to bake and spend her free time playing sports.

    She loves to share all this with her dog, who is also her best friend.


    MDDr. Kamila Cmíralová


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na Lékařské fakultě University Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Členem týmu Dental Office H33 je od roku 2019.

    Je držitelkou Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti v parodontologii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Pravidelně se účastní kurzů v parodontologii, konzervačním lékařství, protetice, implantologii a estetické medicíně.

    Je členkou České parodontologické společnosti.

    Katka Sechovská


    Katka has many years of experience working in a dental office and is very knowledgeable in the field. She always tries to do her best to make the patient feel as good as possible during the treatment in our office.

    MDDr. Lucie Walterová


    Anička Němcová


    Yana Sidorka


    Alex Shelemba


    Bc. Sára Cibulková

    Back office

    Lucie Nosálová

    Back office

    Magdalena Karleszová


    Nazar Sončak


    In 2020 he successfully completed his studies at the Private Higher Vocational School for Dental Hygienists in Prague.
    He is interested not only in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the hanging apparatus of the teeth, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, but also in aesthetics, removal of pigmentation and teeth whitening.

    He likes to spend his free time in the fitness centre and in front of the TV with a good movie or series.


    Viki Daňková


    Viki graduated from the Gymnasium and Secondary School in Klášterec nad Ohří, she works for us as a physician's assistant, where she spends most of her time in the stomato-surgical department.
    In her spare time, she enjoys walking, reading, yoga and traveling. She has two dogs and one cat.

    Natálie Vaskiv


    Hygienist Dental Office H33

    Bc. Lucie Padevětová


    Lucie je dentální hygienistkou od roku 2018, kdy úspěšně dokončila bakalářské studium na 3. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Má za sebou stáž na klinice ve Švédském Jönköpingu a roční pracovní zkušenost z ortodontické kliniky ve Stuttgartu. Po návratu čerpá zkušenosti na zubních klinikách v Praze a pravidelně navštěvuje vzdělávací kurzy a školení týkající se zubní tematiky. Na práci zubní hygienistky ji nejvíce baví radostné úsměvy spokojených klientů a spolupráce s dalšími členy dentálního týmu.

    Katka Babileva


    Katka graduated from the secondary medical school and started her career as a nurse in the children's ward in Karlovy Vary. After her life took her to Prague, she joined us as a nurse, spending most of her time in Dr. Slezáček's team. Of all dentistry, Katka found her greatest love in stomato-surgery. In her spare time she enjoys dancing, retro skating and various exercises.

    Kateřina Koháková


    Kateřina graduated from the Higher School of Dentistry in Prague, majoring in assistant dental technician. She has always been very cheerful and communicative, so it is not surprising that she later decided to become a nurse to be in direct contact with patients. It was an excellent choice and she loves her job now 😊.

    In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her newborn nephew, playing saxophone and ukulele and relaxing with friends over a glass of good wine, because it has to be fun 😉.


    Julie Faltinová


    Julie graduated from hotel high school where she tried her hand at various jobs. Because she is very skilled and meticulous, she decided to take a course in dental instrumentation, which she successfully completed. Julie is very kind, friendly, communicative and loves to learn new things. She also uses her care and skill to beautify her clients, which she does in her spare time.

    Her hobbies include exercising and she is interested in a healthy lifestyle. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

    Adéla Šonková


    She completed her dental hygiene studies in 2020 in Prague. Since then, she has attended countless training courses on oral diseases. She continues to educate herself in her field. She prides herself on thorough instruction and explanation of the problems that occur in the oral cavity.

    In her spare time she enjoys cooking, traveling and spending time with her dog Ed.

    Elina Lersh

    Back office

    Elina graduated from the Secondary and Higher Vocational School of Design, during her studies she had the opportunity to get an internship with both Czech designers and foreign designers and participate in their fashion shows. For more than 6 years she has been working not only on creating clothes, but also on modeling, styling and organizing Fashion Week. At the moment, in her spare time she is engaged in expanding her language skills and playing sports.

    MDDR. Elena Nožičková


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Elena is mainly involved in restorative dentistry for paediatric and adult patients. She completed a six-month practical training in Sweden at Karolinska Institutet Institutionen för odontologi and in Poland at Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, she has the opportunity to further her education and gain experience. He regularly participates in congresses and professional trainings. She is included in the educational program of the Czech Dental Chamber.

    In his spare time he is interested in architecture, politics, theatre and film. She enjoys playing golf and tennis.

    Klára Sklenářová

    Back office

    Klára graduated from a hotel high school, during which she had the opportunity to gain work experience in various positions in hotels and other accommodation facilities. After graduating from high school she worked at several reception desks. Klára is friendly, likes to learn new things and enjoys working with people. Her hobbies include sports and she enjoys spending time with friends and family.

    Šárka Janšová

    Back office

    After graduating from the secondary school of economics, she went to England for almost two years, where, in addition to a good knowledge of the language, she gained a lot of practical experience. She graduated in international business. She is very communicative and enjoys working with people.

    Zuzana Procházková

    Back office

    Zuzka graduated from a hotel school in Prague's Vršovice, but fate eventually led her to the healthcare industry, where she has been working for over 5 years. Zuzka has worked in gynaecology and urology receptions in addition to dentistry.
    Zuzka is a friendly and empathetic person who loves to learn new things. In her free time she likes to be with her family and friends, she also likes to travel.

    Eliška Součková


    Eliška studied at the Secondary School and College in Příbram. Before joining the dreamteam dental office, she worked as a nurse in the pediatric cardiac ICU.

    Elishka is a huge lover of dogs and all other animals. Her hobbies include skating, horse riding, sports and painting pictures.

    Nikola Kabelková


    MUDr. Vojtěch Slezáček


    Born in Jindřichův Hradec, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc and since 1999 he has been specialising in periodontology, implantology and prosthetics. He regularly attends educational events and seminars both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the rest of his time, he works as a periodontal consultant in private practices not only in Prague, but in the whole Czech Republic.

    MDDr. Jakub Šubín


    Absolvoval lékařskou fakultu Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni a od roku 2010 je členem stomatologického týmu v Dental Office. Je držitelem Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti ve stomatochirurgii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Věnuje se především chirurgii, implantologii a protetické stomatologii.

    Jeho koníčkem je jeho práce.

    MDDr. Tereza Buchtová


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Tereza focuses mainly on restorative dentistry, both in pediatric and adult patients. She places great emphasis on preventive dentistry, of which dental hygiene is an integral part. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, he has the opportunity to further his education and gain experience in specialized fields such as stomatology, implantology and microscopic endodontics.

    In her free time she enjoys going out into nature or playing sports.

    MDDr. Lenka Kaslová


    Lenka je absolventkou oboru Zubního lékařství na 1.LF UK v Praze. Je již dlouholetým členem Dental Office týmu, už při studiích docházela na kliniku v rámci školní praxe. Poslední roky zde působí jako stomatoložka a poskytuje komplexní zubní péči se zaměřením na konzervační stomatologii u dětí a dospělých. Lenka se pravidelně zúčastňuje odborných přednášek a kurzů. Velice si užívá mezioborové spolupráce se svými kolegy, díky níž má možnost se neustále profesně zdokonalovat.

    MUDr. Klára Šafránková


    She completed her studies of dentistry at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague in 2008. She then completed her specialisation training in orthodontics, culminating in an attestation exam. In January 2013 she joined the Dental Office team, where she is fully dedicated to orthodontics. Klára enjoys working with traditional and invisible braces and is enthusiastic about following new trends in orthodontics.

    In her spare time she plays the ukulele and is also an avid sailing enthusiast.

    MDDr. Kateryna Mourati


    Dr. Mourati is a Greek born in Rhodes. She decided as a child that she would one day become an orthodontist. She graduated in dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Hradec Králové and then started postgraduate studies in orthodontics at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Prague.

    In her free time she enjoys travelling and spending time with her friends.

    MDDr. Erika McGregor


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na LF Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Už jako studentka chodila asistovat na naši kliniku Dental Office H33. Od roku 2013 zde působí jako zubní lékařka. Během let se vyprofilovala a úzce se specializuje na estetické dostavby předních zubů, estetické protetické ošetření a mikroskopickou endodoncii.

    Její práce ji velmi naplňuje a každý spokojený pacient ji motivuje do dalších i komplikovaných a složitých ošetření.

    Iva Vrbová


    Iva graduated from the Silesian University in Opava as a general nurse and continued her studies in paediatrics at the University of Ostrava.

    In his free time he enjoys family, hiking and travelling.

    Petr Koudelák


    Petr Koudelák Vystudoval střední ekonomickou školu a poté se 8 let věnoval projektovému managementu. Aktuálně má více jak dvouletou zkušenost v zubní ordinaci s dokončeným vzděláním zubního instrumentáře. Ve volném čase se věnuje sportu, cestování a své tříleté fence Chodského psa.

    Nikola Jindrová


    Nikola comes from the beautiful South Bohemia, where she graduated from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. She has always wanted to help people and working in a doctor's office was a clear choice for her. When she is not in the office, she likes to bake and spend her free time playing sports.

    She loves to share all this with her dog, who is also her best friend.


    MDDr. Kamila Cmíralová


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na Lékařské fakultě University Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Členem týmu Dental Office H33 je od roku 2019.

    Je držitelkou Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti v parodontologii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Pravidelně se účastní kurzů v parodontologii, konzervačním lékařství, protetice, implantologii a estetické medicíně.

    Je členkou České parodontologické společnosti.

    Katka Sechovská


    Katka has many years of experience working in a dental office and is very knowledgeable in the field. She always tries to do her best to make the patient feel as good as possible during the treatment in our office.

    MDDr. Lucie Walterová


    Anička Němcová


    Yana Sidorka


    Alex Shelemba


    Bc. Sára Cibulková

    Back office

    Lucie Nosálová

    Back office

    Magdalena Karleszová


    Nazar Sončak


    In 2020 he successfully completed his studies at the Private Higher Vocational School for Dental Hygienists in Prague.
    He is interested not only in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the hanging apparatus of the teeth, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, but also in aesthetics, removal of pigmentation and teeth whitening.

    He likes to spend his free time in the fitness centre and in front of the TV with a good movie or series.


    Viki Daňková


    Viki graduated from the Gymnasium and Secondary School in Klášterec nad Ohří, she works for us as a physician's assistant, where she spends most of her time in the stomato-surgical department.
    In her spare time, she enjoys walking, reading, yoga and traveling. She has two dogs and one cat.

    Natálie Vaskiv


    Hygienist Dental Office H33

    Bc. Lucie Padevětová


    Lucie je dentální hygienistkou od roku 2018, kdy úspěšně dokončila bakalářské studium na 3. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Má za sebou stáž na klinice ve Švédském Jönköpingu a roční pracovní zkušenost z ortodontické kliniky ve Stuttgartu. Po návratu čerpá zkušenosti na zubních klinikách v Praze a pravidelně navštěvuje vzdělávací kurzy a školení týkající se zubní tematiky. Na práci zubní hygienistky ji nejvíce baví radostné úsměvy spokojených klientů a spolupráce s dalšími členy dentálního týmu.

    Katka Babileva


    Katka graduated from the secondary medical school and started her career as a nurse in the children's ward in Karlovy Vary. After her life took her to Prague, she joined us as a nurse, spending most of her time in Dr. Slezáček's team. Of all dentistry, Katka found her greatest love in stomato-surgery. In her spare time she enjoys dancing, retro skating and various exercises.

    Kateřina Koháková


    Kateřina graduated from the Higher School of Dentistry in Prague, majoring in assistant dental technician. She has always been very cheerful and communicative, so it is not surprising that she later decided to become a nurse to be in direct contact with patients. It was an excellent choice and she loves her job now 😊.

    In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her newborn nephew, playing saxophone and ukulele and relaxing with friends over a glass of good wine, because it has to be fun 😉.


    Julie Faltinová


    Julie graduated from hotel high school where she tried her hand at various jobs. Because she is very skilled and meticulous, she decided to take a course in dental instrumentation, which she successfully completed. Julie is very kind, friendly, communicative and loves to learn new things. She also uses her care and skill to beautify her clients, which she does in her spare time.

    Her hobbies include exercising and she is interested in a healthy lifestyle. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

    Adéla Šonková


    She completed her dental hygiene studies in 2020 in Prague. Since then, she has attended countless training courses on oral diseases. She continues to educate herself in her field. She prides herself on thorough instruction and explanation of the problems that occur in the oral cavity.

    In her spare time she enjoys cooking, traveling and spending time with her dog Ed.

    Elina Lersh

    Back office

    Elina graduated from the Secondary and Higher Vocational School of Design, during her studies she had the opportunity to get an internship with both Czech designers and foreign designers and participate in their fashion shows. For more than 6 years she has been working not only on creating clothes, but also on modeling, styling and organizing Fashion Week. At the moment, in her spare time she is engaged in expanding her language skills and playing sports.

    MDDR. Elena Nožičková


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Elena is mainly involved in restorative dentistry for paediatric and adult patients. She completed a six-month practical training in Sweden at Karolinska Institutet Institutionen för odontologi and in Poland at Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, she has the opportunity to further her education and gain experience. He regularly participates in congresses and professional trainings. She is included in the educational program of the Czech Dental Chamber.

    In his spare time he is interested in architecture, politics, theatre and film. She enjoys playing golf and tennis.

    Klára Sklenářová

    Back office

    Klára graduated from a hotel high school, during which she had the opportunity to gain work experience in various positions in hotels and other accommodation facilities. After graduating from high school she worked at several reception desks. Klára is friendly, likes to learn new things and enjoys working with people. Her hobbies include sports and she enjoys spending time with friends and family.

    Šárka Janšová

    Back office

    After graduating from the secondary school of economics, she went to England for almost two years, where, in addition to a good knowledge of the language, she gained a lot of practical experience. She graduated in international business. She is very communicative and enjoys working with people.

    Zuzana Procházková

    Back office

    Zuzka graduated from a hotel school in Prague's Vršovice, but fate eventually led her to the healthcare industry, where she has been working for over 5 years. Zuzka has worked in gynaecology and urology receptions in addition to dentistry.
    Zuzka is a friendly and empathetic person who loves to learn new things. In her free time she likes to be with her family and friends, she also likes to travel.

    Eliška Součková


    Eliška studied at the Secondary School and College in Příbram. Before joining the dreamteam dental office, she worked as a nurse in the pediatric cardiac ICU.

    Elishka is a huge lover of dogs and all other animals. Her hobbies include skating, horse riding, sports and painting pictures.

    Previous Next

    Nikola Kabelková

    MUDr. Vojtěch Slezáček

    MDDr. Jakub Šubín

    MDDr. Tereza Buchtová

    MDDr. Lenka Kaslová

    MUDr. Klára Šafránková

    MDDr. Kateryna Mourati

    MDDr. Erika McGregor

    Iva Vrbová

    Petr Koudelák

    Nikola Jindrová

    MDDr. Kamila Cmíralová

    Katka Sechovská

    MDDr. Lucie Walterová

    Anička Němcová

    Yana Sidorka

    Alex Shelemba

    Bc. Sára Cibulková

    Lucie Nosálová

    Magdalena Karleszová

    Nazar Sončak

    Viki Daňková

    Natálie Vaskiv

    Bc. Lucie Padevětová

    Katka Babileva

    Kateřina Koháková

    Julie Faltinová

    Adéla Šonková

    Elina Lersh

    MDDR. Elena Nožičková

    Klára Sklenářová

    Šárka Janšová

    Zuzana Procházková

    Eliška Součková

    Nazar Sončak


    In 2020 he successfully completed his studies at the Private Higher Vocational School for Dental Hygienists in Prague.
    He is interested not only in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the hanging apparatus of the teeth, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, but also in aesthetics, removal of pigmentation and teeth whitening.

    He likes to spend his free time in the fitness centre and in front of the TV with a good movie or series.


    Natálie Vaskiv


    Hygienist Dental Office H33

    Bc. Lucie Padevětová


    Lucie je dentální hygienistkou od roku 2018, kdy úspěšně dokončila bakalářské studium na 3. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Má za sebou stáž na klinice ve Švédském Jönköpingu a roční pracovní zkušenost z ortodontické kliniky ve Stuttgartu. Po návratu čerpá zkušenosti na zubních klinikách v Praze a pravidelně navštěvuje vzdělávací kurzy a školení týkající se zubní tematiky. Na práci zubní hygienistky ji nejvíce baví radostné úsměvy spokojených klientů a spolupráce s dalšími členy dentálního týmu.

    Adéla Šonková


    She completed her dental hygiene studies in 2020 in Prague. Since then, she has attended countless training courses on oral diseases. She continues to educate herself in her field. She prides herself on thorough instruction and explanation of the problems that occur in the oral cavity.

    In her spare time she enjoys cooking, traveling and spending time with her dog Ed.

    Nazar Sončak


    In 2020 he successfully completed his studies at the Private Higher Vocational School for Dental Hygienists in Prague.
    He is interested not only in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the hanging apparatus of the teeth, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, but also in aesthetics, removal of pigmentation and teeth whitening.

    He likes to spend his free time in the fitness centre and in front of the TV with a good movie or series.


    Natálie Vaskiv


    Hygienist Dental Office H33

    Bc. Lucie Padevětová


    Lucie je dentální hygienistkou od roku 2018, kdy úspěšně dokončila bakalářské studium na 3. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Má za sebou stáž na klinice ve Švédském Jönköpingu a roční pracovní zkušenost z ortodontické kliniky ve Stuttgartu. Po návratu čerpá zkušenosti na zubních klinikách v Praze a pravidelně navštěvuje vzdělávací kurzy a školení týkající se zubní tematiky. Na práci zubní hygienistky ji nejvíce baví radostné úsměvy spokojených klientů a spolupráce s dalšími členy dentálního týmu.

    Adéla Šonková


    She completed her dental hygiene studies in 2020 in Prague. Since then, she has attended countless training courses on oral diseases. She continues to educate herself in her field. She prides herself on thorough instruction and explanation of the problems that occur in the oral cavity.

    In her spare time she enjoys cooking, traveling and spending time with her dog Ed.

    Previous Next

    Nazar Sončak

    Natálie Vaskiv

    Bc. Lucie Padevětová

    Adéla Šonková

    MUDr. Vojtěch Slezáček


    Born in Jindřichův Hradec, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc and since 1999 he has been specialising in periodontology, implantology and prosthetics. He regularly attends educational events and seminars both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the rest of his time, he works as a periodontal consultant in private practices not only in Prague, but in the whole Czech Republic.

    MDDr. Jakub Šubín


    Absolvoval lékařskou fakultu Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni a od roku 2010 je členem stomatologického týmu v Dental Office. Je držitelem Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti ve stomatochirurgii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Věnuje se především chirurgii, implantologii a protetické stomatologii.

    Jeho koníčkem je jeho práce.

    MDDr. Tereza Buchtová


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Tereza focuses mainly on restorative dentistry, both in pediatric and adult patients. She places great emphasis on preventive dentistry, of which dental hygiene is an integral part. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, he has the opportunity to further his education and gain experience in specialized fields such as stomatology, implantology and microscopic endodontics.

    In her free time she enjoys going out into nature or playing sports.

    MDDr. Lenka Kaslová


    Lenka je absolventkou oboru Zubního lékařství na 1.LF UK v Praze. Je již dlouholetým členem Dental Office týmu, už při studiích docházela na kliniku v rámci školní praxe. Poslední roky zde působí jako stomatoložka a poskytuje komplexní zubní péči se zaměřením na konzervační stomatologii u dětí a dospělých. Lenka se pravidelně zúčastňuje odborných přednášek a kurzů. Velice si užívá mezioborové spolupráce se svými kolegy, díky níž má možnost se neustále profesně zdokonalovat.

    MUDr. Klára Šafránková


    She completed her studies of dentistry at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague in 2008. She then completed her specialisation training in orthodontics, culminating in an attestation exam. In January 2013 she joined the Dental Office team, where she is fully dedicated to orthodontics. Klára enjoys working with traditional and invisible braces and is enthusiastic about following new trends in orthodontics.

    In her spare time she plays the ukulele and is also an avid sailing enthusiast.

    MDDr. Kateryna Mourati


    Dr. Mourati is a Greek born in Rhodes. She decided as a child that she would one day become an orthodontist. She graduated in dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Hradec Králové and then started postgraduate studies in orthodontics at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Prague.

    In her free time she enjoys travelling and spending time with her friends.

    MDDr. Erika McGregor


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na LF Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Už jako studentka chodila asistovat na naši kliniku Dental Office H33. Od roku 2013 zde působí jako zubní lékařka. Během let se vyprofilovala a úzce se specializuje na estetické dostavby předních zubů, estetické protetické ošetření a mikroskopickou endodoncii.

    Její práce ji velmi naplňuje a každý spokojený pacient ji motivuje do dalších i komplikovaných a složitých ošetření.

    MDDr. Kamila Cmíralová


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na Lékařské fakultě University Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Členem týmu Dental Office H33 je od roku 2019.

    Je držitelkou Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti v parodontologii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Pravidelně se účastní kurzů v parodontologii, konzervačním lékařství, protetice, implantologii a estetické medicíně.

    Je členkou České parodontologické společnosti.

    MDDr. Lucie Walterová


    MDDR. Elena Nožičková


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Elena is mainly involved in restorative dentistry for paediatric and adult patients. She completed a six-month practical training in Sweden at Karolinska Institutet Institutionen för odontologi and in Poland at Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, she has the opportunity to further her education and gain experience. He regularly participates in congresses and professional trainings. She is included in the educational program of the Czech Dental Chamber.

    In his spare time he is interested in architecture, politics, theatre and film. She enjoys playing golf and tennis.

    MUDr. Vojtěch Slezáček


    Born in Jindřichův Hradec, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc and since 1999 he has been specialising in periodontology, implantology and prosthetics. He regularly attends educational events and seminars both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the rest of his time, he works as a periodontal consultant in private practices not only in Prague, but in the whole Czech Republic.

    MDDr. Jakub Šubín


    Absolvoval lékařskou fakultu Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni a od roku 2010 je členem stomatologického týmu v Dental Office. Je držitelem Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti ve stomatochirurgii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Věnuje se především chirurgii, implantologii a protetické stomatologii.

    Jeho koníčkem je jeho práce.

    MDDr. Tereza Buchtová


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Tereza focuses mainly on restorative dentistry, both in pediatric and adult patients. She places great emphasis on preventive dentistry, of which dental hygiene is an integral part. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, he has the opportunity to further his education and gain experience in specialized fields such as stomatology, implantology and microscopic endodontics.

    In her free time she enjoys going out into nature or playing sports.

    MDDr. Lenka Kaslová


    Lenka je absolventkou oboru Zubního lékařství na 1.LF UK v Praze. Je již dlouholetým členem Dental Office týmu, už při studiích docházela na kliniku v rámci školní praxe. Poslední roky zde působí jako stomatoložka a poskytuje komplexní zubní péči se zaměřením na konzervační stomatologii u dětí a dospělých. Lenka se pravidelně zúčastňuje odborných přednášek a kurzů. Velice si užívá mezioborové spolupráce se svými kolegy, díky níž má možnost se neustále profesně zdokonalovat.

    MUDr. Klára Šafránková


    She completed her studies of dentistry at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague in 2008. She then completed her specialisation training in orthodontics, culminating in an attestation exam. In January 2013 she joined the Dental Office team, where she is fully dedicated to orthodontics. Klára enjoys working with traditional and invisible braces and is enthusiastic about following new trends in orthodontics.

    In her spare time she plays the ukulele and is also an avid sailing enthusiast.

    MDDr. Kateryna Mourati


    Dr. Mourati is a Greek born in Rhodes. She decided as a child that she would one day become an orthodontist. She graduated in dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Hradec Králové and then started postgraduate studies in orthodontics at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry of the Charles University in Prague.

    In her free time she enjoys travelling and spending time with her friends.

    MDDr. Erika McGregor


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na LF Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Už jako studentka chodila asistovat na naši kliniku Dental Office H33. Od roku 2013 zde působí jako zubní lékařka. Během let se vyprofilovala a úzce se specializuje na estetické dostavby předních zubů, estetické protetické ošetření a mikroskopickou endodoncii.

    Její práce ji velmi naplňuje a každý spokojený pacient ji motivuje do dalších i komplikovaných a složitých ošetření.

    MDDr. Kamila Cmíralová


    Zubní lékařství vystudovala na Lékařské fakultě University Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Členem týmu Dental Office H33 je od roku 2019.

    Je držitelkou Osvědčení odbornosti v praktickém zubním lékařství, Osvědčení odbornosti v parodontologii v rámci programu celoživotního vzdělávání České stomatologické komory. Pravidelně se účastní kurzů v parodontologii, konzervačním lékařství, protetice, implantologii a estetické medicíně.

    Je členkou České parodontologické společnosti.

    MDDr. Lucie Walterová


    MDDR. Elena Nožičková


    She graduated in Dentistry at the 1st Faculty of Dentistry, Charles University in Prague. Elena is mainly involved in restorative dentistry for paediatric and adult patients. She completed a six-month practical training in Sweden at Karolinska Institutet Institutionen för odontologi and in Poland at Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny. Under the guidance of experienced colleagues in the Dental Office team, she has the opportunity to further her education and gain experience. He regularly participates in congresses and professional trainings. She is included in the educational program of the Czech Dental Chamber.

    In his spare time he is interested in architecture, politics, theatre and film. She enjoys playing golf and tennis.

    Previous Next

    MUDr. Vojtěch Slezáček

    MDDr. Jakub Šubín

    MDDr. Tereza Buchtová

    MDDr. Lenka Kaslová

    MUDr. Klára Šafránková

    MDDr. Kateryna Mourati

    MDDr. Erika McGregor

    MDDr. Kamila Cmíralová

    MDDr. Lucie Walterová

    MDDR. Elena Nožičková

    Bc. Sára Cibulková

    Back office

    Lucie Nosálová

    Back office

    Elina Lersh

    Back office

    Elina graduated from the Secondary and Higher Vocational School of Design, during her studies she had the opportunity to get an internship with both Czech designers and foreign designers and participate in their fashion shows. For more than 6 years she has been working not only on creating clothes, but also on modeling, styling and organizing Fashion Week. At the moment, in her spare time she is engaged in expanding her language skills and playing sports.

    Klára Sklenářová

    Back office

    Klára graduated from a hotel high school, during which she had the opportunity to gain work experience in various positions in hotels and other accommodation facilities. After graduating from high school she worked at several reception desks. Klára is friendly, likes to learn new things and enjoys working with people. Her hobbies include sports and she enjoys spending time with friends and family.

    Šárka Janšová

    Back office

    After graduating from the secondary school of economics, she went to England for almost two years, where, in addition to a good knowledge of the language, she gained a lot of practical experience. She graduated in international business. She is very communicative and enjoys working with people.

    Zuzana Procházková

    Back office

    Zuzka graduated from a hotel school in Prague's Vršovice, but fate eventually led her to the healthcare industry, where she has been working for over 5 years. Zuzka has worked in gynaecology and urology receptions in addition to dentistry.
    Zuzka is a friendly and empathetic person who loves to learn new things. In her free time she likes to be with her family and friends, she also likes to travel.

    Bc. Sára Cibulková

    Back office

    Lucie Nosálová

    Back office

    Elina Lersh

    Back office

    Elina graduated from the Secondary and Higher Vocational School of Design, during her studies she had the opportunity to get an internship with both Czech designers and foreign designers and participate in their fashion shows. For more than 6 years she has been working not only on creating clothes, but also on modeling, styling and organizing Fashion Week. At the moment, in her spare time she is engaged in expanding her language skills and playing sports.

    Klára Sklenářová

    Back office

    Klára graduated from a hotel high school, during which she had the opportunity to gain work experience in various positions in hotels and other accommodation facilities. After graduating from high school she worked at several reception desks. Klára is friendly, likes to learn new things and enjoys working with people. Her hobbies include sports and she enjoys spending time with friends and family.

    Šárka Janšová

    Back office

    After graduating from the secondary school of economics, she went to England for almost two years, where, in addition to a good knowledge of the language, she gained a lot of practical experience. She graduated in international business. She is very communicative and enjoys working with people.

    Zuzana Procházková

    Back office

    Zuzka graduated from a hotel school in Prague's Vršovice, but fate eventually led her to the healthcare industry, where she has been working for over 5 years. Zuzka has worked in gynaecology and urology receptions in addition to dentistry.
    Zuzka is a friendly and empathetic person who loves to learn new things. In her free time she likes to be with her family and friends, she also likes to travel.

    Previous Next

    Bc. Sára Cibulková

    Lucie Nosálová

    Elina Lersh

    Klára Sklenářová

    Šárka Janšová

    Zuzana Procházková

    Nikola Kabelková


    Iva Vrbová


    Iva graduated from the Silesian University in Opava as a general nurse and continued her studies in paediatrics at the University of Ostrava.

    In his free time he enjoys family, hiking and travelling.

    Petr Koudelák


    Petr Koudelák Vystudoval střední ekonomickou školu a poté se 8 let věnoval projektovému managementu. Aktuálně má více jak dvouletou zkušenost v zubní ordinaci s dokončeným vzděláním zubního instrumentáře. Ve volném čase se věnuje sportu, cestování a své tříleté fence Chodského psa.

    Nikola Jindrová


    Nikola comes from the beautiful South Bohemia, where she graduated from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. She has always wanted to help people and working in a doctor's office was a clear choice for her. When she is not in the office, she likes to bake and spend her free time playing sports.

    She loves to share all this with her dog, who is also her best friend.


    Katka Sechovská


    Katka has many years of experience working in a dental office and is very knowledgeable in the field. She always tries to do her best to make the patient feel as good as possible during the treatment in our office.

    Anička Němcová


    Yana Sidorka


    Alex Shelemba


    Magdalena Karleszová


    Viki Daňková


    Viki graduated from the Gymnasium and Secondary School in Klášterec nad Ohří, she works for us as a physician's assistant, where she spends most of her time in the stomato-surgical department.
    In her spare time, she enjoys walking, reading, yoga and traveling. She has two dogs and one cat.

    Katka Babileva


    Katka graduated from the secondary medical school and started her career as a nurse in the children's ward in Karlovy Vary. After her life took her to Prague, she joined us as a nurse, spending most of her time in Dr. Slezáček's team. Of all dentistry, Katka found her greatest love in stomato-surgery. In her spare time she enjoys dancing, retro skating and various exercises.

    Kateřina Koháková


    Kateřina graduated from the Higher School of Dentistry in Prague, majoring in assistant dental technician. She has always been very cheerful and communicative, so it is not surprising that she later decided to become a nurse to be in direct contact with patients. It was an excellent choice and she loves her job now 😊.

    In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her newborn nephew, playing saxophone and ukulele and relaxing with friends over a glass of good wine, because it has to be fun 😉.


    Julie Faltinová


    Julie graduated from hotel high school where she tried her hand at various jobs. Because she is very skilled and meticulous, she decided to take a course in dental instrumentation, which she successfully completed. Julie is very kind, friendly, communicative and loves to learn new things. She also uses her care and skill to beautify her clients, which she does in her spare time.

    Her hobbies include exercising and she is interested in a healthy lifestyle. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

    Eliška Součková


    Eliška studied at the Secondary School and College in Příbram. Before joining the dreamteam dental office, she worked as a nurse in the pediatric cardiac ICU.

    Elishka is a huge lover of dogs and all other animals. Her hobbies include skating, horse riding, sports and painting pictures.

    Nikola Kabelková


    Iva Vrbová


    Iva graduated from the Silesian University in Opava as a general nurse and continued her studies in paediatrics at the University of Ostrava.

    In his free time he enjoys family, hiking and travelling.

    Petr Koudelák


    Petr Koudelák Vystudoval střední ekonomickou školu a poté se 8 let věnoval projektovému managementu. Aktuálně má více jak dvouletou zkušenost v zubní ordinaci s dokončeným vzděláním zubního instrumentáře. Ve volném čase se věnuje sportu, cestování a své tříleté fence Chodského psa.

    Nikola Jindrová


    Nikola comes from the beautiful South Bohemia, where she graduated from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. She has always wanted to help people and working in a doctor's office was a clear choice for her. When she is not in the office, she likes to bake and spend her free time playing sports.

    She loves to share all this with her dog, who is also her best friend.


    Katka Sechovská


    Katka has many years of experience working in a dental office and is very knowledgeable in the field. She always tries to do her best to make the patient feel as good as possible during the treatment in our office.

    Anička Němcová


    Yana Sidorka


    Alex Shelemba


    Magdalena Karleszová


    Viki Daňková


    Viki graduated from the Gymnasium and Secondary School in Klášterec nad Ohří, she works for us as a physician's assistant, where she spends most of her time in the stomato-surgical department.
    In her spare time, she enjoys walking, reading, yoga and traveling. She has two dogs and one cat.

    Katka Babileva


    Katka graduated from the secondary medical school and started her career as a nurse in the children's ward in Karlovy Vary. After her life took her to Prague, she joined us as a nurse, spending most of her time in Dr. Slezáček's team. Of all dentistry, Katka found her greatest love in stomato-surgery. In her spare time she enjoys dancing, retro skating and various exercises.

    Kateřina Koháková


    Kateřina graduated from the Higher School of Dentistry in Prague, majoring in assistant dental technician. She has always been very cheerful and communicative, so it is not surprising that she later decided to become a nurse to be in direct contact with patients. It was an excellent choice and she loves her job now 😊.

    In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her newborn nephew, playing saxophone and ukulele and relaxing with friends over a glass of good wine, because it has to be fun 😉.


    Julie Faltinová


    Julie graduated from hotel high school where she tried her hand at various jobs. Because she is very skilled and meticulous, she decided to take a course in dental instrumentation, which she successfully completed. Julie is very kind, friendly, communicative and loves to learn new things. She also uses her care and skill to beautify her clients, which she does in her spare time.

    Her hobbies include exercising and she is interested in a healthy lifestyle. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

    Eliška Součková


    Eliška studied at the Secondary School and College in Příbram. Before joining the dreamteam dental office, she worked as a nurse in the pediatric cardiac ICU.

    Elishka is a huge lover of dogs and all other animals. Her hobbies include skating, horse riding, sports and painting pictures.

    Previous Next

    Nikola Kabelková

    Iva Vrbová

    Petr Koudelák

    Nikola Jindrová

    Katka Sechovská

    Anička Němcová

    Yana Sidorka

    Alex Shelemba

    Magdalena Karleszová

    Viki Daňková

    Katka Babileva

    Kateřina Koháková

    Julie Faltinová

    Eliška Součková


    Dental office H33  is a dental center with a focus on saving , preventive and aesthetic dentistry  , which is located near the Arkády Pankrác shopping center with good parking and easy access to the city center. The team at Dental Office H33 provides its patients with dental care that meets international standards in a relaxed, family-like atmosphere.

    The Dental Office h33 dental clinic was founded in 2010. The original team was formed by the doctor and co-founder Mudr. Vojtěch Slezáček with dental hygienist and co-founder Lucía Hronková.

    As time went  on , the clinic gained the trust of other clients, and that is why another hardworking and honest expert, MDDr. Jakub Šubín. He also later became a business partner, and today the clinic can offer a top workplace  and a highly educated, professionally implemented team.

    For the Dental Office H33 team
    MUDr. Vojtěch Slezáček

    For the Dental Office H33 team
    MDDr. Jakub Šubín


    Arrival at our clinic

    Arriving at the clinic from the patient's perspective.

    Child patient

    What does a visit with a child look like?

    Introduction of Dental Office

    Get to know the atmosphere of our clinic.

    Our magazine

    26. 8. 2024

    Problémy s čelistním kloubem? Fyzioterapeut Mgr. Jakub Mertlík odpovídá

    Naše klinika se zaměřuje na neinvazivní léčbu problémů s čelistním kloubem, přičemž klademe důraz na spolupráci mezi fyzioterapeuty a zubaři. Tento komplexní přístup zajišťuje efektivní léčbu a dlouhodobou úlevu od bolesti.

    19. 5. 2024

    Rozhovor: Botulotoxin ve stomatologii

    V dnešním rozhovoru se zaměříme na téma, které možná mnoho z vás překvapí – využití botulotoxinu ve stomatologii. Naše zkušená lékařka MDDr. Kamila Cmíralová,, která se specializuje na aplikaci botulotoxinu, nám přiblíží, jaké možnosti a přínosy tato metoda nabízí v oblasti zubní medicíny.

    20. 3. 2024

    Dentální hygiena pro psy a zdravé veganské pamlsky

    Tipy od Dental Office H33 v Praze

    Dental Office H33
    Hvězdova 33
    Praha 4 - Pankrác

    Contact us
