Invisible braces
3,000,000 patients worldwide!

Invisalign invisible braces
A unique method of teeth straightening - Invisalign invisible braces!
Rovnátka Invisalign jsou americkým patentem, jehož pomocí získalo krásný úsměv
již 3 000 000 pacientů po celém světě!
How Invisalign invisible braces work:
Invisalign invisible braces are soft, plastic foils (similar, for example, to carriers for home teeth whitening) that you gradually wear on your teeth according to a predetermined order. How many carriers you will need in total is very individual, for a light cosmetic defect it may be 14 carriers, for a more complicated defect even 40. Individual carriers are usually replaced after ten to fourteen days.
How it all works:
- At the first consultation, the doctor will decide whether Invisalign braces would be suitable for you
- If your problem can be solved with Invisalign, an orthodontic examination follows, which includes impressions of both jaws, x-rays and photographs
- The doctor will evaluate these materials and send them to America where, together with Invisalign specialists, they will suggest the best treatment procedure for you.
- Your foils are then produced, which you collect one by one from your doctor.
Why choose Invisalign:
- Aesthetics- Invisalign is almost invisible, so almost no one will know you are wearing braces
- Greater comfort - you can take off the braces at any time (social event, sport, meal)
- No food restrictions, you always have what you want
- Convenient teeth cleaning- with classic braces it can take up to 30 minutes, but it happens that plaque sticks to the brackets and this can lead to the formation of cavities around the braces
- It can't happen that a wire comes loose and hurts your face or gums.
- Like normal braces, your retainer never falls off when you're out of town and you have to find a dental emergency
- Time Savings - With Invisalign braces you don't have to visit your orthodontist as often
Nowadays, there are several types of braces that can help you achieve a charming smile. But it is certain that only Invisalign braces will offer you the greatest comfort and give you confidence throughout your treatment.
Incognito 3D braces
Another type of invisible braces are Incognito™ braces. They are designed for those who do not want or cannot afford to straighten their teeth with traditional interlocking braces for aesthetic reasons.
Incognito™ brackets are made of gold and customized for each client and are applied from the inside of the teeth. The result of the treatment is an ideal, beautiful smile that not only looks good, but also helps keep the teeth healthy by making them easier to clean.
Invisible braces clear correct
• Jsou téměř neviditelná
• Nezpůsobují žádná dietní omezení
• Nepřekáží při čištění zubů kartáčkem či zubní nití
• Umožňují řízený posun jednoho zubu
Jak rovnátka clear correct fungují?
Na základě specifikace od vašeho lékaře vytvoříme naší pokročilou technologií transparetní rovnátka, které vyvíjejí cílený stálý tlak na vaše zuby a pomalu je posouvají a rovnají.
O značce
ClearCorrect™ založil v roce 2006 stomatolog Dr. Willis Pumphrey ve snaze pomoci svým pacientům, kteří potřevovali ortodontickou léčbu a vzhledem k nedostatku ortodontistů, založil vlastní společnost na výrobu neviditelných rovnátek. Řešení Dr. Pumphreye postupně začali zkoušet další a další stomatologové a společnost ClearCorrect se začala rozrůstat. Dnes společnost ClearCorrect pomáhá desítkám tisíc zubařů po celém světě a svým pacientům již dodala doslova miliony neviditelných rovnátek.
ClearCorrect invisible braces are made of an optimized durable three-layer ClearQuartz material and are both invisible and resistant to stains and cracks.
Dental Office H33
Hvězdova 33
Praha 4 - Pankrác
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